Data Protection

You may be aware that as a result of a new EU regulation, the General Data Protection Regulation, the rules on how we process and protect your personal data changed from 25th May 2018.  The BAT membership information is kept on only one computer with one official having access.  No aspect of information is disclosed without owner's permission.

We are required to provide you with a Privacy Statement explaining how we achieve this.  This is printed below.


The Bexley Arts Trust Privacy Statement

As a valued member of BAT we assure you that your personal information is kept safely on one computer which is accessed by only one official securely at home,5 Pinewood Road, Abbey Wood, SE2 0RY.  

Personal details provided with exhibition submissions are stored securely on computer at

5 Pinewood Road, Abbey Wood, SE2 0RY.  Details are never disclosed without permission.

The personal information we hold is limited to name, address, email, telephone numbers and details of any submitted artworks.